Sri Aurobindo’s speech delivered at the Bengal National College in 1907
“What we want here is not merely to give you a little information, not merely to open to you careers for earning a livelihood, but to build up sons for the Motherland to work and to suffer for her. That is why we started this college and that is the work to which I want you to devote yourselves in future. What has been insufficiently and imperfectly begun by us, it is for you to complete and lead to perfection. When I come back
I wish to see some of you becoming rich, rich not for yourselves but that you may enrich the Motherland with your riches. I wish to see some of you becoming great, great not for your own sake, not that you may satisfy your own ego, but great for mother India, to make India great, to enable her to stand up with head erect among the nations of the earth, as she did in olden days when the world looked up to her for light…
There are times in a nation’s history when God places before it one work, one aim, to which everything else, however high and noble in itself, has to be sacrificed. Such a time has now arrived for our Motherland when nothing is dearer than her service, when everything else is to be directed to that end… Work that she may prosper. Suffer that she may rejoice
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